It’s been over a year since I last wrote a blog entry. I guess I just got to busy to keep it up. Lately however, there has been an urge to write stuff down again, especially since a lot of stuff is happening in my life right now that I would like to remember, and since my memory for these things is horrible, Microsoft has provided me a convineient way to memorise it all (Take care of my blogs Microsoft!). Nonetheless, a quick summary of what is happening right now. I’m still at University when I should have finished last year, and I’ll be there for another 12 months, I’m working and I love my Job as a programmer. I’m now production coordinator for my church and youth group and hence I look after anything technical that the church needs or wants. Personally, I am working on being slower to anger and quicker to love, being self-controlled, and ebracing God’s Holy Spirit more. Since I’ve stared on this, God has taken me on a wild journey, challenging what I thought were the limits of Christianity. So that’s about it for my summary, I’ll be speaking in detail every now and then.
Free kindness evangelism
My friend Matt Gelding has often brought to mind the concept of kindness evangelism; random kind acts for people that allow you to share a glimse of God with the world. I actually find it quite fun when I get into it. For that reason, I just love hitchhikers, because they are free kindness evangelism waiting to be picked. (just to be clear, hitchhikers being the ones asking for a lift, I don’t harrass people) I picked up a man tonight on my way home and we had a quick chat about church, and I got to share a bit of my testimony – booring sunday school turned encounter with jesus turned brand new life – Which is really suited to his type (he was baptised catholic). I don’t know if our conversation will have any major impact on his life, but maybe it will be the seed that someone else harvests later, maybe he will go to bed thinking about it… In any case, I wont reject someone asking for a lift just because I won’t see the fruit of it. I love it.