Church team to remember

Digital Generation

“I was three and a half years addicted to this game … I could be someone who I couldn’t be in real life … I started to cancel appointments with my friends and I stopped playing sport”. My friend Sander from Holland told the story of how he became addicted to an online game in his teenage years and how it prevented him from building meaningful relationships and hindered his walk with God.
Young people in Sri-Lanka are becoming increasingly engrossed in the online world. A place where social interaction is often cheap and shallow and true relationship is lost. In this unique youth event the ship’s younger people gave a challange to those visiting the ship to spend time apart from Facebook, MSN and SMS and build real friendships and spend time in the Word.
As an ex-gamer myself, I found the event had a powerful challenge whist not being overbearing. Social media technologies were never condemned and neither were online games, but both were put into perspective of a healthy Christian lifestyle.

Ministry Medina

In the past it was performed for the King but now the Korean Fan Dance is performed onboard for the King of Kings. The fan dance is one of many cultural performances that members of the ship’s crew learn to perform for international events. Scottish, Russian and hula dance, mime, drama and a host of songs are among the other performances that were demonstrated at the 2011 Ministry Medina. Here the newest members of the ship’s crew browse the available ‘passion groups’ to see what they would like to learn to use on their time onboard to demonstrate our cultural diversity and our Father’s great love. I have been learning and performing Drama since I joined the ship. Some of my best memories from my time on board are of performing dramas in front of people from lots of different countries. I hope to have many more opportunities to perform for audiences in India and tell them about the Love that my Father has for them.